Data Research & Analytics


"A problem clearly defined is a problem half solved."


HD Healthcare researchers and analytics team wants to help you improve the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of your healthcare delivery, payment and processes. And with healthcare reform now a reality, you will have to tackle the complexities of value-based purchasing, population health management, and consumer-focused health applications. To do that, you will need advanced data gathering and analytics.


HD Healthcare supports research that helps healthcare leaders make better informed decisions. Our team can assess the problem, develop a model and theoretical framework to empirically test the issue, collect data, determine facts and reach conclusions needed to shape better policy or reduce costs. After discussing the issue with your team and isolating the issue, we deploy expert personnel to collect and analyze the data and then use statistical methods to make sense of the data. Tools utilized include linear and logistical regression, data envelopment analysis, and linear structural equation modeling. Our studies include clinical analysis, management financial & operational analysis, and assistance with HIPAA research compliance issues related to IRBs, Privacy Boards, and de-identification of information.  


HD Healthcare is committed to improving quality and efficiency by developing successful partnerships and generating the knowledge and tools required for long-term improvement. The goal of our research is to establish measurable improvements in in your business, gauged in terms of return on investment.